About Us

ZEN:30 represents a state of being present. A time where you are completely open to everything and immersed in the moment - A time called N:OW. 

ZEN:30 is a small start up business founded by husband and wife, Goose and Chantel. Both are local creatives residing in Orlando FL where their love for holistic living and art sparked a passion for color therapy healing. 

Our color therapy eyewear uses the powerful components of color to help balance emotional states as well as provide physical benefits. Each color corresponds to the 7 major energy centers of the body also known as The Chakras. To learn more about color therapy please visit our Color Therapy tab above.

Giving Back: 

At ZEN:30 we are heavily involved with our community and strongly believe in giving back. A portion of each purchase made with us goes towards providing free color therapy yoga and art classes through a community outreach program we created called YogART. To learn more about our mission to give back please visit our site www.yogARTinc.com